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Project Timeline


February - April
Project Initiation (Internal/External)

Kicked off in March and April 2021 by developing a project brand and website, forming committees, and holding meetings with key stakeholders. Collect and analyze data.

April - November OUTREACH
Examine Market for Transit;
Evaluate SEPTA Bus Routes

Examine the market and need for transit service in Philadelphia region and create a “State of the System” analysis. Evaluate population and employment, community demographics, activity centers, and travel patterns.

Evaluate individual SEPTA bus routes to the understand strengths and weaknesses of each piece of the bus network.

Engage SEPTA riders and residents in the Philadelphia region about transit service choices and trade offs and to understand their priorities and values. Engagement will include a range a activities including surveys, meetings, and pop-up events.

Winter 2021/2022
Identify Service Improvements

Use findings, analysis and community input to identify ways SEPTA can improve the bus network and make specific improvements to individual routes.

Build on engagement and technical work to confirm goals and values. Refine project guiding principles and develop evaluation framework.



Winter 2022
Develop Service Improvement Scenarios

Create options to strengthen and improve SEPTA’s bus network. Scenarios will be organized around rider priorities, community values and technical recommendations.

Summer 2022 OUTREACH
Evaluate Scenarios

Share scenarios and potential service changes to a broader audience for feedback and comment. Focus will be on identifying what people like and what they don’t like, so we can develop draft recommendations that include the best parts of individual scenarios. The evaluation process will also consider factors like ridership and cost.

Fall 2022 OUTREACH
Draft Recommendations

Build on findings from scenario evaluation process to develop draft recommendations. Share draft recommendations with community and stakeholders to develop final recommendations.

Winter 2022/2023 OUTREACH
Finalize Recommendations

Build on findings from scenario evaluation process to develop draft recommendations. Share draft recommendations with community and stakeholders to develop final recommendations.



Engagement and Analysis

Ongoing engagement, analyze and summarize feedback.

Draft Network Updates and Outreach

Updates to previous draft network, engagement with riders and residents to share updates and gather feedback.

Finalize Recommended Network

Finalize recommended bus network, begin SEPTA public hearings to share recommendations.

Fall 2023
SEPTA Public Hearings and Implementation


Bus Stop Placement and Balancing

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